If you don’t make yourself, who will.
Pop-Up, Pop-Up, - Bubble Gum and a Peanut-butter bar.
Raise your hands and stomp your feet.
Let the your senses take over and emotions run wild.
Here is a snap view of Rachel June - "Let 'Em Have It!"
” .. it felt like Psychotherapy .. ” – Rachel June
Bathroom Bacteria
When it comes to clean, who really wants to clean. Its like, you have to take the mop, put the mop in the water, swoosh that dirty water everywhere and pretty much spread the bacteria. Here is bit of summary of Rj's bathroom bacterias.
“If you don’t complicate things, somone will.” – Rachel June
They say you don’t walk in L.A., well I do.
Is there ever a time when you just have to leave town. Get Away, Reorganize your brain... RJ decided upon spontaneity (instinct) to purchase a train ticket to some untraveled land. Destination - Los Angeles. Some people may ask Why? I say Why Not. This is where the journey begins.